Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life of Ryan: Season 2 Filming @ DamnAm

This last weekend they were filming for a new episode of Life of Ryan: Season 2 at the DamnAm contest at Volcom HQ in Costa Mesa, CA. Ryan's brother Shane and his friend Tony skated the contest while Ryan watched from the sidelines. Here are the Y U Mad exclusive pics:

Gretchen still has a pretty decent ass.

Shane changed into a girl's halloween costume for his first run. They wanted Gretchen to put it on and when she refused Shane stepped up to embarrass himself.

Randy gives Shane a peptalk before his contest run.

Ryan was keepin' it real OC with his new hairstyle.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

GvR 2007- Sheckler and Lutzka

Flyin' Ryan

Lutzka gets some groupie love...

...but not like Sheckler.